M95 R2.0


M95 est un module GSM/GPRS très compact M95 is a highly compact Quad-band GSM/GPRS module in LCC castellation packaging in the market. It adopts the latest MTK chipset and features compact size of 19.9mm × 23.6mm × 2.65mm, ultra low power consumption and extended temperature range. With surface mounted technology, the low profile and small size of LCC package make M95 easily embedded into the low-volume applications and ensure the reliable connectivity with the applications. This kind of package is ideally suited for large-scale manufacturing which has the strict requirements for cost and efficiency. Built-in unique QuecFOTATM technology allows M95 to update the firmware remotely. Additional features such as integrated TCP/IP protocol stacks, serial multiplexer and enhanced AT commands guarantee fast and reliable transmission of data, voice, SMS via GSM/GPRS network and extend the functionality of the application at no additional cost.

  • Mémoires additionnelles d'ordinateurs
  • Castellation Packaging
  • Quad Gprs
  • Module Gsm

Domain icon Grossiste

91090 Lisses - France


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